First-Time Starter Insights report

One of the toughest challenges for horseplayers is betting races with first and second time starters. There is so little information to go on, that any information is extremely valuable. This report can help us find runners to include, or potentially exclude from our tickets.

Play first-time and second-time starters with confidence

One of the toughest challenges for horseplayers is betting races with first and second time starters. There is so little information to go on, that any
information is extremely valuable. This report can help us find runners to include, or potentially exclude from our tickets.

Introducing – HRN Impact number (similar to ROI)

Our proprietary algorithm analyzes which starters are overbet, and underbet.
HRN Impact – looking at all the starters and odds (plus other factors), how many races should those starters have won? The Impact compares
actual wins vs. expected wins for that post. This tells us if these posts are typically good bets or bad bets.

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