Pace Report Subscription

HRN’s Pro Pace report uses our advanced algorithms to predict the pace and leaders for every race every day. Identify the fast and slowest paces of the day at each track and across the country.

Subscription includes Pace Report for every race for every track every day!

$29.99 / month

Identifying pace is one of the most important aspects of handicapping, and sometimes the most difficult.  Our advanced algorithms help you get a jump start on handicapping by identifying the fastest and slowest races of the day – across the country and for each track.

  • Use the Pace report to identify difficult sequences in Pick 3, Pick 4 and Pick 5 wagers.
  • Be aware of potential fast paces, where you might need to consider more off the pace types and potential longshots.
  • Watch out for slow paces with no clear pace.

Each day, the pace report covers every Thoroughbred track in the country.

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